Friday, February 4, 2011


If people had an expiration date it would be so much easier for me to deal with them. I would humor people a lot more, knowing the numbers on their forehead(because that is where the dates would go) would be inching closer and closer to matching the date on the calender and then I would feel good about myself for being nice to them before they spoiled and had to be thrown away. i would love them and appreciate them, taking them for all they are worth but when the date grew too close for me to continue to comfortably enjoy them i would put them off knowing they would be no good soon. but, alas! people are just people and you can't throw them away even when they are mean, manipulative, stupid or naive, arrogant, annoying or all of those lovely qualities put together in one person. even when that person is you don't throw yourself away. don't ruin it because you tired or angry or sick of being human. He didn't give up and i know you thank Him for that, or at least you should.

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