Monday, January 31, 2011

the Gospel

what happens when you get sick of the comforts of life?
the sweet cake just doesn't curb the aching inside
the swinging that brought you back to childhood
make you remember what you childhood was really like
a lie, naiive and padded to the brim with hope
what happens when the hope is gone
do you turn to your "higher power"
what if you think it's not listening
the absence of a firm arm to hold you at night
becomes more and more painful
someone to love that will love you back
...maybe you're praying to the wrong god
imposing your hope on something unreal
on something of total and utter fiction
a vapor of the mind
the light in your eyes will fade
you know everyone dies "someday"
what if you picked up the classic excuse?
the one Holy book that brings so much pain
to people of the world
what if you read it and understood?
what if you believed?

Thursday, January 27, 2011


trying to be someone you're not.
don't let yourself be molded
too much
by others, good or bad.
they want to be someone else
just as much as you do.
everyone wants out,
out of their life and into someone elses.
but where would they go,
into another life
that craves the same thing in a different circumstance?
so walk around
bit by bit,
learning to be you.
it will turn out awkward
and awful
but that's what people are.
when all the bullshit faces are gone,
we are a solid mess of corruption,
a mold of our lives turned upside down.
no one is who they seem to be,
but even more so no one is who they want to be.
Because we try too hard to be the one who has their shit together.