Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ghetto theaters are the Best!

Kids with candy stained lips
And beer bellies from too much empty food
Reach past me to try and pickpocket
But no good and so the other gives it a go
Followed by a stern hit from a mother who holds no control
The ticket stubs are like raffle tickets
"I've won" says the "B" rated popcorn stand
Only three shows, only the best
the most wanted and the most watched
Cellphone lights to find the way
Followed by no message to turn off your electronics
But the audience is quiet save the hollow crunch of "B" rated popcorn
After the show I press against the graffiti ridden door
No shame or hope of redemption
Only a casual embrace from the movie goer
Going in and out of the small ghetto theater
Outside bikes ride by
with stereos that blast commercials in Spanish
I got a tattoo down here once,
twice, three, four times
I remember now what it is to live the ghetto life
Even just to see a movie
For six dollars instead of twelve...


  1. I wanna go to a ghetto theater. Then again, maybe I already do, I pay $6.50...

  2. Its not the cost of the ticket but the quality of the people who go there that counts
